Excluding Folders With Mcafee Security For Mac

Bitdefender allows the exclusion of specific files, folders or file extensions from scanning. To add any of them to the Exclusions list, follow the steps below. Excepting files and folders from scanning 1. Click Protection on the navigation menu on the Bitdefender interface. In the ANTIVIRUS pane, click Open. In the Settings window, click. McAfee Endpoint Security 10.5.0 - Threat Prevention Product Guide - macOS Exclude files or directories from scanning.

Exclude A Folder From Mcafee


Where Is My Mcafee Folder

Regular mode — Executes the associated action defined in the rule, when the network packet adheres to a rule's condition. If no matching rule is found, the network packet is blocked.
Adaptive mode — Executes the associated action defined in the rule, when the network packet adheres to a rule's condition. If no matching rule is found, the network packet is allowed and a rule is created to allow similar packets later.
Stateful firewall — Validates each packet for different connections against predefined rules, holding the connection attributes in memory from beginning‑to‑end.
Domain Name System (DNS) blocking — Blocks access to networks that can include unwanted domains.
Defined networks — Define networks including subnets, ranges, or a single IP address that can be used while creating firewall rules. You can also configure Firewall to trust networks.
Stateful FTP inspection — Creates dynamic rules automatically for FTP data connections, by actively monitoring the FTP commands on the control channel.
Location awareness — Create separate rules for locations, such as office or home network.
Management of rules — Create and manage rules using rule group.
Firewall events — Send Allow and Block events to McAfee® ePolicy Orchestrator® (McAfee ePO™) .